All that is beautiful

By sharob

Fathers Day ... For some.

Some parents don't deserve a day of dedication, do they. Most of my FB friends have changed their profile pictures to an image of their father, their loving, cherished fathers. Me .. I shan't. Mine is one of those who doesn't even deserve the honour of being called a Father. A previous blip explains.

I have my step dad instead .. I don't see him as a father figure, why does one require a replacement to something which they never had? I didn't like my step dad, he came into our lives when I was 14, so why would I have liked him? To my troubled, hormonal teenage mind, this man had come and ruined my family. I know that it was more about the relationship between my Mum and Dad but, you don't realise those things at 14. My step dad and I get along now, I can chat to him, but he still isn't a father figure, I wouldn't confide my feelings to him. I don't feel the need to give him hugs and kisses and fathers day cards - much as I know my Mum would woop woop with delight if I did!

I guess there is another guy who deserves a Fathers Day mention, and that is Mr G. He has a son from a previous relationship, he is 13 and lives in Australia. Mr G was in regular contact until both parties moved country. The last time he saw his son was when he was 4. Then again last year, we had him over for the Easter Break. But, we've all settled into the old pattern, no contact at all. I've heard many negative comments about Mr G, about how he should be the one making contact, I even had one comment made to me when I was expecting our first daughter, the person said "I cannot understand why you'd even consider having a baby with him". Nice huh!! This was a CLOSE family relative, not even the childs Mother, although, she did have a few comments to make too. Anyhow, Mr G, he's not the greatest, he doesn't help much around the house, but he has a very important and stressful job. Despite not seeing the children much during the week, the girls both absolutely adore him, they love him to pieces. I know that Clara thinks that her Daddy is her hero. You can see the sentiment in her eyes whenever she see's him. In fact, Mr G was called into work this morning as the new telephone system doesn't work! Glad he went out though, me and the girls used the time to bake and decorate these yummy cakes! They are delicious - there were spares :)

So, Happy Fathers Day for the ones who matter.

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