Lali's World

By Lali

Me in a blond wig - self portrait

I think I mentioned in my last blip that I was going out with my friends and was probably going to wear a wig. Ok, I did, but not the pink one, this time the blond one! This is what I looked like. Although in this picture I'm not wearing the feather boa!

So, yes I had a good time last night, but what my friend didn't tell me was that it was actually a 70's dress up party, not just a general one. So I wasn't wearing the right clothes, but who cares! I was also a bit embarrassed because I was the first of my friends to arrive to the pub! Hahahaha!

Today the weather was much nicer in Edinburgh and the light was a bit better for pictures. I took a few of them, but I decided to post this one instead.

Work was rather busy and I'm feeling tired now. Working until late tomorrow, so I'll have a very quiet evening and try and go to bed early.

Thanks very much for all your comments on my poor blip yesterday! I hope you all had a great Sunday! :)

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