Peony Leaf

A late blip after a grey cold day - the joys of Winter are upon us. This peony leaf has seen better days, brown and crisp holding its form against the battle of the weather.

Grocery day with Mum and a day of looking at dishwashers - mine has gone on the blink! So many to choose from, I thought, until I read the dimensions, it seems they have become bigger over the years and our hole just wasn't big enough, so it was down to two - not so bad after all. One of them I didn't like the tines, in fact it hardly had any, so dishes would fall. Delivery is not till Monday so dishes by hand it is :)

Thank you for your warm thoughts, things are a little more settled on the earthquake front - just hope it stays that way. The government is announcing the future of properties and streets today, we all watch with interest.

Time to turn the light out - I'll be back tomorrow :)

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