Paul Morgans

By BakewellPie

Raft Race

To me the highlight of Bakewell carnival week is the raft race.
This year as is usual over 100 rafts entered what is in essence a carnival on water.
I'd like to say who won but I can't and in truth it doesn't really matter.
It has a touch of the Olympic spirit about it 'better to have taken part and lost rather than not to have competed at all'.
The raft race was followed by terrier racing which had the usual mayhem and was won by a dog called Snatch!
The evening was rounded off by the Tug of War won by Air studio.
Strangely a hair dressers in Bakewell run by girls, none of who competed.
A really great evening all for free.
Held in magnificent rural settings with a great turnout of people evenings like this are what makes Bakewell a wonderful and special little town.

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