The fool on the hill

By mooncoin

A shed load

The final link in the chain that is the Sheppard bike collection has been completed. After sniping and missing two other bikes on ebay I just decided to bung a shed load of a bid (well £120 seemed a bit OTT to me) on something that looked worth buying (a Specialized Globe D4W (designed for women - oh those marketing folk)) and forget about it until the auction had ended. I immediately regretted doing so and was hoping I'd be outbid. But is wasn't to be.
I need not have worried. The bike was bought new a week after I started blip and has stood in a garden shed, according to the previous owner, for all but two of the intervening days (1388 days shedbound: blip has it's uses - be they ever so trivial). It looks like a new one. And it came with lights, a little saddle bag, a pair of gloves and a combination lock. Isobel now has the best bike of the lot I reckon.

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