Mice Naps

By kimsim

End Of An Era

Today was my last day at work. I have no idea what's going to happen next.

It's such a strange situation to be in. To be unemployed yet not have it absolutely confirmed. It's our last day in the office, we don't have positions at the other company, it might all be down to a judge to sort out.

Everything had to be backed-up. Emails sorted and deleted. Five years work reduced to a crate of belongings and some files on a server.


On top of that, holding it together is not really a strong point of mine, I hate goodbyes. I reckon I have slack tear ducts!

But we had the pub to look forward to. A very modest 'leaving do', more like a 'slipping-out-the-backdoor-whilst-no-one's-looking' do.

At the end of the night there were just three of us. Us two leavers and P, and here's us having a wee dram. Coz you have to end the night with a dram.

So tomorrow is a new start. A new adventure. New beginnings. New horizons.

In a strange way I'm looking forward to it.

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