Mice Naps

By kimsim

This Is...

...Phil, apparently. Or it could be a Jimbocee in disguise.

This morning I went for a lovely brunch in the Filling Station with my now former boss, where we spotted, non other than, Britney Spears! Not the American pop starlet, but the much better looking Leon Lopez who plays Britney Spears in We Will Rock You.

I walked with A to the train station, another goodbye. But we'll see each other next week when we continue to try and sort out our work situ.

Night time brought another Lorelei gig! Yippee! Had been looking forward to it all week!

It was another fantastic gig, just what I needed at the end of a kinda crappy week. There was the usual amount of flailing, this time with beer... sticky! And a whole lotta love on the dance floor... awh, nice :)

Phil seemed to enjoy himself too!


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