Baking this morning...

......Grandad suggested doing some baking to keep the littlies amused for a while this is Ella sitting on the bench helping Grandad look through the recipie book looking for Afghans.  Ella is giving me the look but I rather like "the look".
Afghans a success, but not so the walnuts on top, we had to crack them and most of them had gone mouldy or dried up, ended up putting marshmallow on top of some, they look hilarious but taste jolly good.

This afternoon we went out to Pleasant Point to the vintage railcar and steam engine complex.....we spent a lovely time having rides on both....lots of photo's again but not loaded yet.

Janelle (daughter) and Ella have gone to visit a friend, Harry home with us, doing jigsaws and playing with our old matchbox cars.....she is bringing home a parcel of fish & chips, an easy tea, yay!!!

No snow today as expected, but the wind is coming straight from the Antartica and is very lazy (straight throught not around you).  The snow could still come, Dunedin (south from Timaru) is shrouded in snow.

So Amy has self destructed finally, such a waste


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