Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Monarch Morning

It was a coolish night last night, so I thought I'd head over to the local farm early this morning while it was still cool. They are always so nice to let me wander around their fields and stands as long as I want. Last time I was there, there were yellow swallowtail butterflies everywhere; this time it was monarchs! What a treat it was to stand there in the flower fields while they flitted around sipping nectar and dew. Those are the little unexpected moments in life that just make you feel happy!

The highlight of the day came when I was chatting with the woman who managed the farm (while I was buying flowers, eggplant, and tomatoes) and she asked me if I would allow her to hang some of my pictures in the farm stand!! Me??? Really??? She said she'd love to have close ups of the flowers that she can hang behind the counter to show people what what's available in their you-pick fields. Very unexpected and very flattering. I'm secretly hoping to get some free eggplant out of it - LOL.

So, now I am sorting through some of my "keeper" photos trying to find the right ones. Some of my choices are posted on Flikr if you'd care to have a look...

Butterfly in the flowers

Flowers at Valley View Farm 1

Flowers at Valley View Farm 2

Flowers at Valley View Farm

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