Can't I loop back with you on that

or Anti social networking a new dilemma

An old acquaintance requested I become their friend on some social networking site. I am not keen to join any such site quite simply because I would not have the time required to show face, so to speak. I don't disapprove of such a means of getting back/staying in touch with people from yesteryear, but I have been warned by 'networking friends' of the dangers. Harrassment from people you would rather not cross the street to say Hi to, hours spent in front of a screen (erm what are you doing here then Sonny Jim?) you know the sotr of thing.

The only difference with this person who made the request is that they are gravely ill, so I am confronted with a bit of a dilemma. Do I wish to incur the wrath of / befriend multiple random people who I met once? Do I want to get involved in games which will take up my already limited spare time (not much danger of that)? Do I want to not contact this person?

No I tihnk in the meantime I shall send an email and use a more antiquated means of communication.

Oh and it rained again, in all senses of my life and therefore my head is very sore.


ps sorry about that pun, that is truly dreadful

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