Clark Tales

By cclark

Blip-Day #1

WOW 365 Not Out!

I cannot believe how fast this year has gone. What a brilliant set of memories I now have archived thanks to all those at BlipCentral! Thanks to all those who view and leave comments, what a wonderful community to feel and be a apart of! My biggest thanks has to go to Faux Punk/ DOD for introducing me in the first place. And I wish no gaps and look forward to Jay who is on his first week- we'll have lots of fun getting him there. X

This is probably the first real hobby I have ever pursued and kept going for more than a week and I have gained so much from it. I have definitely achieved the aim of keeping a full documented year with no gaps, though there have been some scary moments. I have become much better at photography. I have rescued my Dad's expensive Pentax from the depths of the back of his wardrobe where I feel it would never have been used. But most of all I have created memories that will never be forgotten! I cannot wait for the thumbnail to kick in and give me a reminder of where I was this time last year.

I have decided to continue with my blipping pursuit. After all I have gotten a few friends into it now and have been using it as a tool to track the progress of the god children in my life, and my oldest friend Caleigh is going to be giving birth to the already profiled Wee Jimmy. How could I possibly stop now!

This is not quite the blip I planned today as the Ebay Item did not arrive in time! Oh well it will still be blipped and be worthy when it does come, I was asking too much for it to arrive from Hong Kong in time I feel. Went with this as I make such a big deal at all my friends Bday's tha they have to have a cake and have to be able to make a wish - feel a bit like the Queen- 2

A final thanks to all my beautiful friends and family for not only putting up with me and my photo opps but also for making my life so interesting to blip! X

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