La vida de Annie

By Annie

Kendall is here

First unaided stand up shower today which sounds no big deal, but when I tell you that an aneurism I didn't know about burst in my brain the last time I did this at home on August 17th it may explain my trepidation. The shower I had last week was using a hospital chair so felt safer.
At the time of the incident I was feeling fine and having a quick gentle body shower without having to lift arms to wash my hair, in preparation for s short drive to the shops. I suddenly experienced what felt like a huge blow to the back of the head and strange visual effects like looking through a mass of soap bubbles which were constantly bursting and reforming. I knew something was very wrong and managed to call NHS Direct which is in the contacts list luckily - this single thing saved my life as my vision was pretty screwed at the time.
I spoke to successive people instantly after being passed deeper into the system - no being put on hold with Muzak - and the ambulance was there within 10 mins which just allowed enough time to throw some clothes on and carefully get downstairs to open the door to them.
There was no reason for it happening. Many people have aneurysms (a bulge in the blood vessels of the brain) all their lives and never know about it. If it had happened half an hour later I would have been driving which doesn't bear thinking about.
The choice of this blip subject was prompted by kendalishere's wanting to know how the latest medical mishap had occurred and I haven't had to energy to write much in one go or do many comments. Like the surgical stockings bearing her name she has given me so much support. Thank you love. X

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