A man and his other bike

I couldn't be bothered fixing the circus wheel last night so decided that it was time for the single speed. You'd think it should be more difficult cycling with no gears but it's actually easier provided you keep your speed up, particularly on hills so you don't use momentum. And with no gears to think about it's a nice relaxed cruise into town.

While I was pedalling in wondering what I'd take a photo of today I thought it would be funny to try a copy of Stuart the courier with his single speed on the steps at West Register House. Luckily there's a strange wee box on the pavement for the camera to sit on (and hardly anyone around to wonder what the nutter is doing). So I did although the differences from the whippet thin courier could hardly be greater.

As ever, nothing much else happened. Another wee trip to Ronde at lunchtime for a coffee and to see if they had a less ugly than standard pannier rack that would save me using a rucksack. They didn't. But at least I got the joy of riding the bike back up to Queen Street from Stockbridge. Ouch.


Much later ... I remembered that I was listening to the news as I drove home and couldn't help comparing Gadaffi's defiant insistence that his forces remain loyal, armed and ready to turn the country 'into a hell', with Sir Robin.

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