I have a brush

and I am not afraid to use it.

Corin was just about to go and scrub the trivets from the cooker. Good husband :-)

Today has largely been laundry, homework for James, laminating for me and a lot of cooking. My two boys seem to have eaten constantly throughout the day.

Watched "Around Ireland with a Fridge" on the web this afternoon. I discovered, whilst doing so, that if you have headphones plugged into your computer and you are busy feeding sheets through the laminating machine, when you remove the heated sheets, the static shoots through the headphones and gives you a shock. However, I wanted to watch the film and Corin was watching the tv, so I persisted. Until it had happened about 10 times. Then it hurt and I put the film on pause.

Now, sofa time, shower and bed for Jimbo, then the same for me not long afterwards. It's going to be a busy week with Open Evening on Tuesday night at school. I'm very grateful for a wide range of lovely colleagues who are quietly going about their business and preparing the school - it takes a lot of work, and they are doing it on top of their day to day work, without any quibble, because they know how important it is. It's the people I work with who ultimately are going to make it very difficult for me to ever leave my school!!!

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