A "Coz-age"

It's like a collage, except it's just pictures of Coz. Isn't he lovely.

By some miracle I was up at 9am today. This wouldn't have been the case, except that I had to go to the Post office depot to collect a parcel - one of my new lens and some other bits and bobs.

So the lens went on and I tormented Coz with it for a while. Canon 50mm f/1.8. Apart from once, when MV put a similar lens on my camera for a short while, I have never used a fixed lens. It's difficult to resist the urge to try and zoom in and out. But the fact that I can whack the aperture down to f/1.8 has helped me to get my head around the effect of aperture and ISO on my pictures a little bit more. I am liking it. I fear I am going to talk myself into another camera body at some point so I can leave it on and not have to change lenses. Oh, it's so easy to justify purchasing camera gear. TOO EASY.

The carpet for James' new room is bought - Coz is busily preparing to lay it now. He did a great Steve Irwin impression when rolling and folding the old carpet "Quick, this one's a strong one, tape it's mouth up" - all said in a bonzer Aussie accent, with his fag in his mouth!

Furniture is bought as well, apart from being short of two modular storage units, but they'll be available during the week. Bit of a faff - was going to get stuff from Ikea, but found more appropriate things at Argos, which is 2 minutes away. However. I got to Argos and discovered they do not have flat bed trolleys (or any sort of trolley for that matter) and as I had a huge mountain of flat pack furniture including a wardrobe, I had to ring my beloved to come out in the van to help me. He was a little, teensy weensy bit grumpy about this. All forgotten now though - a cup of tea, an ice lolly and a hug seems to have smoothed over my error of judgement. Can't blame him really - he'd just had his lunch and was probably looking forward to sitting quietly for ten minutes!

Shortly, off to Asda to stock up on food, in order to keep my hungry worker fed. A well fed Corin reduces the likeliness of carpet related swearing incidents.

He is lovely.

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