Outside, I'm smiling

Inside I am full of trepidation because tomorrow is Open Evening at school and this year I have organised it.

I think everything is ready. I just need for it to go smoothly.

Colleagues have worked like absolute troopers over the last week and a half to get classrooms looking shipshape, displays sorted and students organised to help out. I keep saying it, but I am very lucky to work with such professional, committed and generous people who are prepared to do all the extras that it actually takes to do our job.

So, fingers crossed and a small prayer to all of the Gods that I can think of and hopefully it will all be alright. Fortunately, I do have some time tomorrow to scoot round, troubleshoot and do last minute preparations. Best pack my camera as well!

Have spent the day worrying, not just about all of the prep, but worrying about James. He told me on Saturday morning that there had been a problem with another child last Thursday morning - a kid who clearly thought it was hilarious to pick on James for being small in stature. I suspect James would have brushed it off except for the fact that the child then decided to kick James in his "man bits" - not just once, but on two separate occasions. Fortunately, James had the good sense to tell his Head of Year and the matter was dealt with, swiftly and decisively. However, I worried about any comebacks today but I am assured that the day went smoothly.

Is this going to be me for the rest of my life - worrying about him all of the time that he isn't with me? I'm finding it emotionally strenuous, to say the least, to let go a little bit and let him get on with it. It's the balancing of being mum and being the one who has always been the solver of problems to being mum but letting him fight his own corner and find his own path, and with it, his own solutions.

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