
By sp33dway

sunset saddle

Another pic from my rubbishy mobile phone.

Didn't have too hot a ride up in the hot mountains tonight, mainly because I had no get-up-and-go in the get-up-and-go bits where get-up-and-go is really needed in order to, well, get up and go (especially at a pace that encourages the adrenaline to flow on the downhilly bits and the jumpy bits). Think it was due to me not eating anything today other than a bowl of soup as opposed to my normal pre-ride munchfest through the day of an apple and a banana and an orange and something with pasta in it for lunch and a tub of organic rice pudding washed down with a drink of something a bit sporty half an hour before I leave work. My line of thinking was along the line of thinking that if I didn't eat so much carby and instantsugaryhittish stuff then my body would call on it's own plentiful reserves instead which in turn would help me get rid of my persisting wobbly bits which in turn would help me eventually get into the rather ridiculously undersized garments that seem to be in every mountain biking emporium under the sun. At first I thought it was just because I was a fat git but I soon realised they are clearly more suitable for someone with arms and legs and shoulders and a chest more akin to that of a twelve year old as opposed to a man in his middling thirties. Quite why cycling gear is sized differently to normal clothing is something which really gets on my pip, what with me being built of rugby player proportions and carrying slightly too much girth on my XL girdle. I think they only size such clothing to try and make über-fit skinny blokes feel more macho or something. Unfortunatley it means if you're built like me or have an ounce of Celtishness in your blood (plenty are and do) there's less of a choice in the mountain biking clothes emporium department other than something that's either far tighter than it should be or cut like a 'tayter sack or something that makes me look like I'm wearing a nappy.

Still, 31km of Coed y Brenin on sunday. I'm gonna hammer the Dragons Back :-)

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