Blue frame, white light

A bit of a system failure on the photography front today. Failure 1 was neglecting to put camera in pocket at lunchtime when I was wandering around shops looking for non-sequined, rather plain clothes for a wee girl and being substantially less than successful in all the places you would think might do that sort of thing.

Failure 2 was picking up yesterday's film from Jessops to find that far from having quaint and quirky idiosyncrasies that could make for some weird or charming photos, the camera is, in fact, just pure shite. Hopelessly out of focus in every way and with no nice colour shifts or flare or vignetting or light leaks that give Holga's their personality.

The third failure was to not grab a child as soon as I got home and make it do something silly, providing an easy solution to the problem of doing Blipfoto when the evenings are dark. At bedtime it was straight to the garage to make a door (one of those nice cottagey plank and cross brace things from local larch) for the attic cludgie seeing as there will be visitors who might object to the open view of the main road into the village through the dormer window.

The best I could come up with was to see how bright my new front light is. This is it about 30 feet from the house. Should do fine for those winter commutes.

The song.

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