
By katish

A new X-ray of my hand. Saw the hand doctor today, and had to make a decision between having surgery to fix the finger or let it heal and see what happens. So, I'm having surgery on Wednesday! I don't want to take the chance of not having it heal straight and having to go back for surgery and have plates put in rather than one screw. It will be annoying I'm sure, but I might as well do it now. It is my writing hand after all! I will need it to function properly.

A new scar. A new story. And a piece of metal in my body. Guess metal detectors will be fun lol.

There, there baby
It's just textbook stuff
It's in the ABCs of growing up
Now, now darling
Oh, don't lose your head
Cause none of us were angels
And you know I love you yeah.

-Imogen Heap-Speeding Cars

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