A thousand new paths

By acc

Day 15. 365 grateful - persistence

Day one of the Metal Clay diploma level 4. I took levels 2 and 3 in March and failed to pass either of them at the time. The diploma is not easy, it is a stretch and you have a limited amount of time on the course to complete the pieces. Luckily you don't actually fail, you have the opportunity to make the pieces again or to fix things and resubmit them. So I had a lot to do before I got here. And some of the things you do have to do in the presence of the assessor so they can see you have done them yourself.
This box bead failed on the assessment day in March. I had miscalculated the sides and they weren't even. I was told that it would need a lot of work to get it finished. Today I am grateful that I put that work in and that my box bead passed this time.
I also got 93% in my written test on metal clay so I am grateful for passing that first time. Luckily I have been revising!
I've still got a bit of a way to go before I leave tomorrow but I hope that I can get it done. I'm giving it my best shot

There is a calmness to a life lived in gratitude, a quiet joy. Ralph H. Blum

The 365 Grateful Project
In early 2008, in an effort to fight depression, Hailey Bartholomew started a year long photographic project which involved taking one Polaroid photo a day of something she felt grateful for.
I thought that this was such a fab idea I would do it as well. I have been blipping on and off recently but I lost my enthusiasm for it when I felt that every day was the same, always going to the same place. However, I think that documenting something I am grateful for each day gives it a different slant.

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