Catherine Lacey: BoyStory

By catherinelacey

I becomes We

Inspired by the little "I" floating in the bath between the boys' toes (but which detracted from the simplicity here being in acid green so was swiftly edited out).

Edited entirely differently but a nice pal to yesterday's Sometimes, I think it's time to get some pics up on the walls, so perhaps I'll start with the bathrooms.

I think I may have broken through with Callum on reading. I had to take a reality check: Reuben's reading, I feel, is pretty advanced for a 4.5 y.o. and I don't wish to add disability to that equation. But perhaps I expected too much of Callum, who's happy and able bodied to run around and explore endlessly, thus diverting his time away from learning to read. His attention span too is probably typically nearly 3. But today a little dual seemed to open up between them as we read the Bob Books (which Callum loves to store under his pillow at night but had hitherto been uninterested in reading), as Callum started to read a few of the words and I filled in the rest to make his sentences, then pages, so that he too was able to pronounce, "I read the whole book!", that being the series' tagline.

Tonight's funnies after a gentle day at home under mistiness and grey, Jenn stopping over last night and enjoying her company this morning:

Candelight dinner with my boys tonight, nothing fancy, Pandora Radio playing Embrace, White Stripes, Aqualung. I hand the candle to Callum to blow out as I sing the happy birthday song (just practicing for the big day, you know) and as it extinguishes I ask him,
"What's this" to the rising flume of smoke.
"Jellyfish" he replies.

Reuben's saying something in the bath and I can't quite understand the last word. Seeking Callum's help:
"What's Reuben saying darling?"
"I can't say", he replies, coyly.

Secrets? He is still 2. At least I think he is.

Come back to what you know is playing now on Pandora. One of my all time favourite songs and a beauty to rest my head to tonight.

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