a town called E.

By Eej

Morning Light

The Beloved does voices/translates for all our cats, and always makes Harley sound like she is very aware of her appeal. Which is a nice way of saying she has us wrapped around her lil itty bitty paws.

Here she is saying (according to the official translater)*insert high-pitched-yet-tiny-voice*:"Look at me, mommy, I'm precious."
I showed the photo to all of my co-workers and they all went: Awwwwwwww!
Precious she is :)

So happy the week is over, so happy that the sun is shining, so happy to be home, sooooooo happy the Beloved doesn't have to work tomorrow and we get to hang out and do fun stuff!
Like rake leaves ;)

I had a weird dream where the man said something atrocious about me and I ended up hiding out with a boy in his secret room. Which was this awesome place inside a wall or something that you crawled into through a small trapdoor, and it was decked out with games and pluche and candy. I was mad as hell at the Beloved though.
So when I told him that when I woke up, he said that while I was having these horrible, false thoughts in my sleep. HE dreamed that he and his co-workers were working until 6AM just so I could go to bed. Aw.
I guess it says something about who the nice person in this relationship is ;)

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