Under the Weather

The expression 'feeling a bit under the weather' is a strange expression don't you think, especially when the gusts of wind are so strong today that one could well be borne like a kite to places unfamiliar.

Be that as it may, his Lordship was feeling 'a bit under the weather' this morning and altogether too fragile to do more than help me out with my blip.

I call this feeling his weekend syndrome, because during all his work days, this was the only time he could relax enough to be less than 100% fit.

Given that the chosen location for my blip was in Greyfriar's Kirkyard, the irony of the place was not lost on us. I consider it fortunate that I managed to persuade him that his time was not yet nigh and we would manage an exit back into the land of the living.

In any case he has paid for a lovely resting place under a tree in the pretty graveyard at Cleish in the middle of the countryside near Kinross, so Greyfriars is never for him. Incidentally there is no room for me there!

Meanwhile back at the ranch, a pot of soup has been made in readiness for Glasgow daughter and granddaughter who are coming for lunch.

If anyone can get his Lordship out from under the weather, it is Nina aged 3+ who as a perpetual party girl can get us all smiling and laughing.
She is not the sort of girl to get under the weather and could, I'm sure, organise a party anywhere, even in a graveyard.

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