Northern Exposure

By Northern

I got to go out for lunch today.

The peedie class at school, that's the primary one to four class, opened an Orkney Cafe today. They have been working on it for weeks as part of a project on local produce, customs and other curriculum type stuff I don't know the name of.

There were two sittings, I was at the first one and had the pleasure of a young man's company who will be one of next years primary ones. He was very puzzled as to why I had to photograph my food before eating it. So I have had to promise to email him a link to blip. HI TOM!!!!

The school hall was transformed into a beautiful restaurant with white tablecloths, Orcadian music, informative artwork about favourite places in Orkney on the walls and very polite and efficient staff dressed in black trousers and white shirts. All very posh.

The menu consisted of:

Mince and Clapshot (mashed tatties and turnip)
or in my Veggie case a beautifully garnished cheese piece (that's a sandwich to the non Scots speakers)

followed by homemade fancies...
Bere bannocks with Orkney Cheese (I promise the cheese isn't as yellow as it look in my pic!)
Pancakes with rhubarb and ginger jam (I think the non scots might call these dropped scones)
Duff (This is an Orcadian name for Clootie Dumpling, I've no idea what non Scots would call it. But if you've never had it, you've never lived)

and Tea, Coffee or Juice

All of this was researched, planned, cooked and served by the children.

We are demanding they do it every Friday!

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