Snow in clouds?

We woke up this morning, not to a glamorous dusting of snow, as they experienced in South Edinburgh, but to a murky sleety grimness, that thankfully has disappeared and given way to a rather sunny day with some dramatic cloud effects.

After a quiet day yesterday, followed by a quiet morning today, we are off in a couple of hours to Glasgow, weather permitting. I think it should be ok, but my resident Jonah is not so sure. That said, I shouldn't cavill, because he's preparing something nutty and chocolatey for lunch. Not exactly a health food blast, but who cares. More treats await, specifically Brass Jaw, last seen on my birthday. I have less enthusiasm about an appointment with the Apple Store on Buchanan Street, but needs must in this case.

Meanwhile, I'm continuing my unremitting fight to keep my email inbox under control. The trouble is that I have too many workaholic colleagues, who kindly send me extended critiques of research proposals on a Saturday morning, and research collaborators who prefer to work on Saturday evenings rather than weekdays during the day. I wonder if either of these two would recognise themselves from those descriptions.

This one is better embiggified.

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