Disruption found

I'd already decided that since I wasn't cycling, on account of the broken bike, my best birthday treat would be a long lie until 7am rather than the usual 5.55am, and a leisurely drive to the park and ride for a bus to town. As I lay in bed listening to the wind howling round the house, I thought, "screw that". Transport chaos was inevitable. I'd go only to find myself either stuck or trying to get home at lunchtime. Instead I could have a connection to my office computer, an endless supply of coffee, a fire and a warm Aga.

And I'm glad I did. Once FETA started reporting 90mph winds, the school opted to close at 12.30 and the nursery were closing after their visit to the panto and the police started advising no travel between 2pm and 7pm. I felt quite smug about my decision to lead the charge to the sofa from the front and go straight there rather than try being a badass with a story to tell.

I don't have any stories to tell. Nothing happened. The roof is still on, garden structures intact and all remaining trees are upright and accounted for. The fire's blazing and the kids have amused themselves with Tangled and Gnomio and Juliet while Mandy and I have beavered away productively, apart from my flurry of desperate tweeting this morning to secure myself a Nokia N8. Result.

Still, the day wasn't without its share of tragedy. It was a blow to learn that Level 42 have got back together and will be playing live. Thankfully, only Glasgow so we're well outside the fall out zone.

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