Occasionally processed

By Moondog

Your Eyes (unprocessed)

Here's the original of today's blip.

"I have looked into your eyes with my eyes. I have put my heart near your heart."

- Pope John XXIII

Today was Mstr 4's daycare Christmas performance and morning tea thing. In stark contrast to last year, he was very happy and excited, and sang and performed beautifully. In-between the morning tea and performance there was playtime outside, and I got a few shots I think are really good (at the top of the album).

The one I have chosen for today speaks for itself, I think. His eyes are amazing. I think the symmetry is part of what makes it as well.

I simply applied my usual B&W conversion (red filter about halfway, green about 3/4, and blue around 1/5 to 1/4; duplicate layer set to overlay, with about 75-80% opacity), and then just sharpened it a little.

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