Edinburgh Blip Meet


'Edinburgh Blip Meet' was the bestest ever event I have ever been to in the whole of my little collie dog life.

I LOVE BLIPPERS! - Thank you BLIP CENTRAL for introducing me to all these wonderful people.

I think there must have been about 20 -30 people who turned out to meet me?! I tried to round them up and make them all pose nicely for a blip but as you can see I was the only one that sat properly; everyone else was chatting or taking blips.

I'm completely overwhelmed. BLIPPERS are such lovely people. And thank you so much to the blippers that gave me presents. I am such a lucky girl to get new toys and treats.

I was going to try and put in links to everyone else's blips but unfortunately we have no internet connection so Ann has to go drinking wine in the 'Merlin' to get wifi and her laptop only has 2 hours of battery?! Which isn't long enough for her to do something as techie as putting in 20+ links.

I have had such a lovely time today. I cannot believe how nice the BLIP community is. Thank you to all who helped to make the BLIP MEET so successful.

Ann says she will catch up on commenting when she gets home in about a weeks' time.

Woooohoooooooooooo ....................... what a fabulous blip meet we've had!

Happy New Year everyone.

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