The Dying Year

A fine slow air, written by JD Michie of Brechin in 1935. Certainly deserving of a wider audience I'd say. So, that's almost the end of 2011; we'll no see it again. A year of tumbling stock markets, tumbling arab dictators and err tumbling other less newsworthy things no doubt.
A few hours to go to the bells, so I guess I better go and rev up the ear and nose hair trimmer and splash on a bit of the after shave, or fragrance for men as it's brazenly called these days. Paul Smith's Optimistic may be a good choice to see 2012 in. After that, it's just a case of looking out the drink and music. Or a case of drink and music. So, that's me sorted. Have a great time all, and keep an eye on that wind chill!

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