Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

Evening Moon

Last-minute decision, this. I took my telephoto lens today with a particular shot in mind, and I did get that shot, and it was ok, but in the evening I went for a little stroll up the road with young Mstr 4. While we were out I noticed the Moon, so after dinner, and kidlets' bedtime, I popped out with camera and tripod - and here's the result.

I sharpened it a bit, cloned out a couple of small splodges (which I'm hoping aren't on the sensor, because they weren't all there in all the shots I took), added an overlay layer at full opacity, and pulled down the blue and cyan curves a little bit, as the overlay layer made the sky a bit garish and cartoony. I did try applying the overlay to just the Moon, using the colour match tool, but this time it didn't work.

Unprocessed version here.

Large version here.

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