Blown off course

A very Irish morning weather wise - 'soft' drizzle, mist and bright sunshine - the bright sunshine eventually evaporated and mizzle remained, but the winds have gone. I headed over to Schull for a business lunch with Lisa (Travellersjoy) to discuss this year with the cards. We were joined by Klaus and Theresa and had some very funny conversations verring from prescriptive text (annoying but often hilarious) to caesarians (worryingly frequent) to Coronation street (just how many years has it been going) to someone who was 74 stones and had to be lifted out of bed to attend court! I didnt think it was possible to be 74 stones and still alive. Business resumed later.

The tide was out and I did a bit of beach combing. This little beach always has plenty of treasures - usually interesting fragments of pottery and glass but today there was lots of plastic including this little blue bird recently arrived from China. Some nice sea coal there too.

Today is Women's Little Christmas- traditionally women go out for a huge meal and entertainment - pubs and restaurants lay on special things. It's meant to be a thank you for the women having done all the hard work over Christmas. In this household himself did most of the work!!

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