

on a sunny - sun shiny day...

not what i was originally going to do - i had in mind to snap some shots of the princess diva - and actually managed to get some off with her... albeit with her being fussy about it and all - the conversation was mostly her being snarky and me trying to persuade her it was a good idea to blip her... no one minds her kitty portraits.

however - as is usually the case with all divas... i agreed to check out other options and wandered outside - where the sun was waiting in full splender - shining brightly through the trees. the very nice and wonderful thing about the sun? it doesn't talk back... there is no arguement... no negogiation... you simply get to enjoy its warmth - its beauty - its gorgeous rays beaming down upon you... and in this case, radiating through the branches.

so snap, snap - liked what i saw... informed the princess she was off the hook for the time being - and she gave me a look like "what? i don't have a clue what you're talking about." doesn't matter... it worked for all of us. even though i struggle with sun shots - i believe this turned out rather well - and we all had...


happy day.....

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