An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

"Oh wad some Power the giftie gie us.....

....tae see oursels as ithers see us" Rabbie Burns

(Oh would some Power the gift to give us, to see ourselves as others see us)

Both of these books* are Christmas pressies of mine. One is from my best friend and the other is from my hubby. I will leave it to you to guess who gifted which one.... ;-)))

They make me laugh because not only are the both bright yellow (I am sure there's a message there) but, in their own special ways, each are selling the same message.....just with slightly different approaches! hahahahahahahaha!

Here is an extract from each of them.....again I will let you decide which quote came from which book.....

"I listen with love to my body's messages"

"Ma heid's mince!" (Translation - My head is a little mixed up :-)

On seeing these books on sale in a shop, I wonder what made each of them stop, look and decide this is a perfect gift for my best bud / wifey :-))

Actually, on second thoughts, I don't think I want to know!!! ;-))

In other news I have just eaten 10 a couple of Lindor mini chocolate balls. Yes. The diet's going well thanks. *rolls eyes*

I promise I did try to get round your journals last night but in the short space of time I had, Blip was either giving me the Oops message or being REALLY slow!!! Will try again tonight :-))

THIS has been in my head all day since I heard it first thing this morning. Gotta love a bit of Stevie :-))

Hope Tuesday is good for you :-) x

*Wheesht is a Scots word meaning Be quiet / shut up

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