An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Lead us not into....


So I resisted the dark chocolate Ferrero ok I had one! and I resisted the milk chocolate Ferrerro ok I had one! but OMG! I could NOT resist the milk chocolate and coconut Ferrerro not telling how many I had!!!

My diet halo is choking me!

Busy day at work. Busy day at home. I had forgotten how much effort goes in to keeping those plates spinning! Stepdad coming for dinner and my jeans order has arrived (I hate shopping and shopping for jeans is the biggest shopping nightmare ever so prefer to have them delivered to try at home :-)

This afternoon David phoned the school we hope Alan will transfer to when we move and spoke to the Head Teacher to arrange for us to visit. It is a bit of a worry moving him because he is so settled where he is but D says she was absolutely lovely and very enthusiastic about the possibility of Alan going to her school. That's encouraging. She is also more than willing for staff from the school to visit Alan's current school to meet him and see him in that environment and speak to the staff who know him well. She also has a plan of visits for Alan to the new school before he starts, to get to know his teacher and his classmates. Can't ask for more than that really. We are going to vist the school at the end of the month. Looking forward to it. It has an excellent HMIe report.

So that's another thing ticked off the list of to dos!

Right...time to go and try on 6 pairs of jeans in the hope that one pair is the right length and fits on the hips as well as the waist! I suspect there will be sweary words uttered shortly.

More Temptation :-)))

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