An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Nemo me impune lacessit

or alternatively Wha' Daur Meddle wi' me? English translation Who Dares meddle with me? or No one attacks me with impunity

I love Scotland's motto :-))

With the verbal fisticuffs between Salmond, Osbourne and Cameron re. the subject of a referendum on Scottish Independence being one of the day's hot topics, it seems I was subliminally drawn to blip this necklace today. It belonged to my wee gran and I shall be wearing it proudly this Saturday to a Burns Supper.

Will save my thoughts on the independence matter for another day as blipping and running yet again!!

Great night last night and no hangover as I decided to be the driver. I think I would have fallen asleep face first in my dinner if I'd had any alcohol! As a result woke up feeling fairly alert and ended up spending the day having a bit of a clear out of our bedroom. Two massive rubbish bags and lots of tidying and what a difference. I swear when we move house I am going to stop hanging on to stuff because it might come in handy. It never does! Well not until the week after you've thrown it out!! ;-))

Found a left over selection box in the clear out. Oh dear. Diet starts tomorrow again!!!

Hope everyone's had a good weekend. Will do my best to get some commenting done once the house has been put to bed. :-)) xx

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