25/31 Pink

What do you do when you're utterly outnumbered by the boys and end up with hardly any pink in the house for the "pink" challenge?! I don't tend to take the camera out much with me because we hardly stop for breath when out and about! Here are some of the fake flowers I have. Edited to death. But I quite like the outcome.

Had our Charley's tongue tie snipped this morning. Lovely midwife at the hospital saw us, confirmed a posterier tie, and snipped it there and then. Charley was wrapped up in a towel to stop him flailing and I had to hold his head still and I don't think I'll forget the snipping itself! Charley was unimpressed as he was awake by then but a feed later - where I was shown how to get a correct latch (only taken 3+ years but I can do it now!!) - he was fine. It looks so different in his mouth now he can lift his tongue! Hopefully the combination of the tie snip and learning how to get a good latch will stop his poorly colicky episodes and get him gaining weight a little faster too.

Went shopping afterwards as we were in the car anyway. Only called in for nappies and came out with swimpants (for Charley - must see if Ben's still fit him!), swim nappies (also for Charley), shampoo, sponges and a blue animal toothbrush which I've not looked at closely enough to decide what animal it is. It's for Ben, of course.

Then to the supermarket for baking bits, and we decided to stop at the cafe for chips for lunch. Ben's impeccable timing meant he needed a poo while we were there so we had to leave all our bits unattended while we dashed off. Thankfully I've learnt to take Charley out of his carseat and put him straight into the moby (pre-tied, snug under my coat) when we get out of the car so at least I wasn't also juggling a baby! Came back and the couple at the next table said they'd saved our food from being cleared away (surely the coats and bags were a clue we weren't done?!) which was nice of them - the gentleman I'd asked to do this was no longer in the cafe!

Of course by the time we had eaten our chips Charley was waking up so it was out of the wrap and on the boob for him. Ben found a playmate and they spent a happy half hour being superheroes and flying around a few of the empty tables while I and the other boy's mum watched, holding our respective babies.

Home again. More boob. Time to reflect.

Somehow, yet again, the public version of Ben is accidentally wonderful: not running away or amok when I'm stuck under a nursing baby in the hospital, allowing himself to go with one of the midwives to get water for me and another mum, allowing that same midwife to help him go to the toilet, eating grapes and drinking water when we were in the cafe, not running away when I was feeding Charley again. He amazes me sometimes!

Other times I don't know what to do with him. He, Rosie and Ede all now have younger brothers so when they get together they no longer have one of us keeping an eye on them! They are just one big bundle of happy energy when they are together. They're a bit like the Tombliboos, bundling into each other, bouncing up and down, hugging and falling down. Not quite sure I can put any teacher through the ordeal of having all three of them for a full year....! We'll just have to see what happens I suppose :)

This afternoon while Ben was entertained with the Tinga Tinga app on my phone I set about making the second batch of cakes. (The first batch went off to Little Fishes this morning, having made it last night.) Charley slept. Very enjoyable times, times like that. After dinner I cut some pieces off and took them through - and both Steve and Ben said no thanks!! And I made it a flavour they'd both like, deliberately! (Banana, white choc, honey and cinnamon if you must know!)

How have I managed to belong to a family that doesn't eat cake?!

And finally, Charley. Again. Enjoying being able to drinks LOADS of milk by, well, drinking LOADS of milk. Not quite realising that his tummy can't hold it all just yet. Niiice. And, as much as we're trying to work on his latch and he's getting the ridge idea, he's so NOSEY all of a sudden and can't keep his head still to drink!

Goodnight world. Off to bed now. Hurrah!

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