Mice Naps

By kimsim


Saturday's night out turned into Sunday day, which turned into Sunday night, which resulted in me eventually getting home a little after 3am this morning, with my taxi due to pick me up at 7:45am to take me to the airport, all bright and breezy and ready to fly up to Shetland for an all day meeting.

With just over three hours sleep I somehow managed to get up, shower, iron my clothes and get my sh!t together.

And the day proceeded something like this:

Got in the taxi, realised I had no money.
Stopped at a cash machine; realised I had forgotten something.
Went back to my house.
Got back in the taxi and wondered whether I could eat my porridge (yip, managed to do most stuff other than eat my breakfast, so took it with me?!)
Got to the airport early!
Went to put on some much needed make-up!
Met my boss, checked-in, ditched the porridge before security asked what the hell it was (what was I thinking?!)
Got stuck at security - combination of new staff, a skirt with multiple metal bits and a roll of detail paper that looked like a stick of dynamite in the x-ray machine!
Had a welcome bacon buttie and a peppermint tea and watched for the gate to open...
It did, got our stuff together... and were then called... an actual tannoy announcement... but the gate had just opened!!
Boarded and flew up to Shetland.

It was a beautiful clear morning, which made for a stunning flight up. Which turned into a terrifying one as we came into land... banking so much to left it looked like we were about to plummet into the sea and then coming into land between rocky hills that were a little too close for comfort!

Got collected at the airport and taken to the car hire place (fun, never been met at an airport before).
Got our car and drove to Lerwick.

This was my first time in Shetland; it's a mixed bag. It looks kinda British, but also kinda Scandinavian.

Went for a site visit (love meeting the contractors on site) then headed to client's offices for our meeting.
Spent the day developing plans.
Went for dinner.
Got back in the car and headed back to Sumburgh.

"What time's our flight?" *looks at tickets, looks at clock* SHIIIIT!!!

The race was on.

As we rounded the long, long, long road around the airport, we convinced ourselves it was not our plane that had people boarding.

It was.

As we got out of the car our second tannoy announcement of the day boomed through the air... a final call for us to get our arses to the plane! Eek!

We ran through the airport, staff waiting for us, got rushed through security (would have been the perfect time to smuggle something as they weren't too interested in our possessions) and were reminded we are supposed to arrive an hour before the flight time. "Not half an hour?" my boss cheekily retorts! (Maybe not the best time for jocularity!)

Was kinda exciting running across the tarmac as the staff ushered us under the plane to board. I couldn't help but giggle; better than stress out and cry? But giggling wasn't really a welcome reaction when it came to facing the crew and all the passengers who had been sitting waiting for this troublesome plane-holding-up duo!

Soon enough we landed in Aberdeen; my boss declaring he would never travel with me again (hopefully with tongue firmly in cheek!); a possible meeting with a friend missed, their flight called just as I stepped into the airport; and then back in a taxi and home for some much needed sleep.

What a day. A wee adventure peppered with a comedy of errors.

You can't beat days like that!


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