
By Twitish

Trent bridge

In the next of my series, 'all things Nottingham' I give you Trent Bridge cricket ground.

Well more like one of the huge great floodlights that caused such controversy and the 1.9 m Fox Road stand ( designed with an aircraft wing roof) which also caused a 'bit of a stir' in these parts of Nottingham when they were erected.

Recognised as one of the finest cricket venues across the globe, it has acted as host for county and Test cricket since 1838 and is the world's third oldest Test ground.

The founder, William Clarke saw the potential of a quaint little meadow at the back of the Trent Bridge Inn in 1838. He married the landlady, Mary Chapman, and within a year was hosting matches on a newly created, fenced off ground alongside the pub.

The pub's still there - and just got a LOT better than it was.

Also for any cricket fans my brother was in Graeme Swann's year at school, his dad taught me maths and Stuart Broad lives just down the road. Not that I even impress myself as I hate cricket !!

In other news found a new way to get the year 11's to work - promise them chocolate buttons and a nice cup of tea at the end of the day ( shush don't tell anyone )

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