Northern Exposure

By Northern

Water mint

After our adventures of the past couple of days I pottered about in the garden to recover.

Although somehow I don't think harvesting lots of things from the veg patch is good therapy for aching muscles. I'm sorer now than I was to start with.

Still, I did have time to wander the rest of the garden admiring the weeds growing so well. This little water mint beside our pond is flowering beautifully and the bees seem to appreciate it.

We've had so little rain over the Summer that the pond is really low. Not dangerously so but I'm getting a wee bit worried about some of the marginal plants. The deeper water stuff and the fish are fine. And the frogs all seem quite happy... Steven was lucky enough to hear a frog chorus the other night.

Totally rambling here... must be the sore muscles that does it. Brain's tired too.

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