Big Day Out

I picked Kiwilizzie up this morning and we headed for Cable Bay because she hadn't been there before. Stormy weather was predicted so I thought there'd be some great waves to photograph. Unfortunately, picturesque though it was, there were no great rollers. Took lots of photos anyway though just because you do.

Liz had also never been to the start of the Nelson boulder bank so on the way home I took a detour in there. The bird life was impressive - terns, gulls, ducks, stilts, swans and more shags in one place than I have ever seen before - of course I had to photograph all of them.

there were also surfers - I've never photographed surfers before so, although not the best of photos, one of them has to be my choice for blip.

I'm hoping I can go back in the future and find all the birds again, whereas the surfers might not be there next time I visit - tides, winds and waves being hard for me to predict.

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