A taste of spring!

Our very first real taste of spring brought hoards of people pouring into the park, wearing shorts and tee shirts, bearing hot dogs, charcoal, and all the other accoutrements of summer. Out to have a good time on this warm Sunday afternoon, they filled up every space in the parking lot and then did some creative parking when no real spaces were left. It was bumper to bumper holiday makers.

I believe this tufted titmouse must be wondering the same thing that was on my mind: Where did these people come from. I'm here almost every day, rain or shine, cold or colder, snowy or muddy, and I've never seen these people before. Don't they know the park is a beautiful place all those other days? Don't they know a walk in the snow is invigorating and that there are always interesting things to be seen along the trail? Well, if they don't know, I'm not going to tell them...and neither is the titmouse!

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