
By LeeAnne


This is the card that was behind my door when I got home last night! Made me laugh! Tits McGraw indeed!! I couldn't blip it yesterday though, I had to make my little sticker to go over the rude bits! I decided after reading a thread on the forum today about inappropriate content that it was apt.

I'm not sure how I feel about that... not that I'd ever want to pose naked in the name of a blip you understand but I really loved Grasshopper's beautiful, arty photo the other day and I was sorry to read a couple of days later that it had been taken out of the favourites section. I think there's a fine line between sexually provocative nudity and arty photography that deserves to be seen. But as I've said, we're all different and have different levels of decency. Mine are in the gutter somewhere!

I appreciate that rules are there to be broken for a reason but how do you decide what's decent and what's not?

Anyway... the card really made me laugh, mainly because it's the exact pose we'd been recreating in Spoon on Saturday cause we're very grown up when there's wine involved!

In other news my hat was returned safely and is beautifully unbashed! I'm opting out of my swimming class tonight as I appear to have overdone it at the gym on Monday and have pulled some sort of muscle where my abs should be and I suspect I may drown if I attempt a tumbleturn!

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