stuff & nonsense

By sleepyhead

Grey Surprise

The weather was never that great today and was very grey by the time I left work tonight. I has spotted a pair of Oyster Catchers at lunchtime and so went along the loch in the hope of catching them. Along the way I managed to get some half decent shots of a magpie who seemed content for me to shoot it from the other side. I'd headed along the bank a little to shoot some backup daff's (just in case) when I spotted this grey form a little further up.

Well it's not often the Grey Heron visits the loch and so I couldn't possibly pass up the opportunity to shoot. Last time I saw it, was just after Christmas and the nights were a little darker and we startled each other as I was almost on top of it before we saw each other and he scarpered. This time he was content enough to monitor my approach and let me shoot. He stayed pretty still the whole time which let me lower the ISO a lot more than I really had the right to expect, but still the cropped images weren't as crisp as they would have been in good light. Ah well, hopefully he'll be about later in the year and give me another opportunity to do him a little more justice. Here's another shot from a slightly different angle.

Thursday tomorrow. Hope everyone has a great day!

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