stuff & nonsense

By sleepyhead

Spoilt for choice... I was!

Managed to get out the door fairly sharpish tonight and so I caught a little more of the light. A wee wander up the loch to see if I could catch the oyster catchers. They were not to be seen but there were plenty of other birds eager for attention. I had intended finally getting around to shooting the much neglected moorhens who have suffered for others bt it was nt to be tonight. Amazingly the heron was still there. In fact, apart from turning round he could have been there all night. I couldn't resist another snap!

However, it was the six canada geese that grabbed my attention tonight. Unfortunately the light still dropped away quickly and so when they started bathing and drying I think it might have fallen a wee bit too much. Far too dark by the time four of them decided to take off in unison. Shame since it was a wonderful sight. But since this guy decided to show off right in front of me I promised him he'd be shown. You can tell the missus was impressed!

More showing off here for three images.

Friday tomorrow! Yeahhhh!!! Hope everyone has a good one!

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