A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal

This evening was just Rosey!

Wine! its friday, its late. And because I have had the pleasure of James company all evening, taking a photo has been the last thing on my mind.

Took me 2 and a half hours to do the 35 mile trip to collect Jimbo this afternoon - the traffic on the M62 and M6 was gridlocked. Came off and went down the back roads, only to encounter an accident about 1/2 mile from James' school!!!!!!!!

It was worth the wait though - he was so obviously pleased to see me, which was a relief. But also, he was so full of life - he wanted to show me the adventure playground at his school, and climbed all over it in the pouring rain! Then he did a quite impressive traverse across the entire wall of a classroom which has climbing hand and foot holds along it for the kids to play on. We're off to the climbing wall tomorrow which is great because Jimbo can do some bouldering with Corin, and then some roped climbs with me.

We went and saw my dad, which was smashing (particularly as Dad gave me two bottles of lovely wine - CHEERS A.P.!!!!) - one of the other benefits of this change of arrangement means that I will see my dad every week, and I do miss that.

Then we came home, snuggled on the sofa with naughty treats (chocolate, sweets and a subway sandwich) and watched Mr Bean's Holiday which was actually quite funny.

Extremes of emotion - 1 week ago I was distraught. This afternoon I thought I would burst with happiness at seeing my wee man. Funny how life is - but I do feel happier knowing that this week hasn't been as traumatic as I think everyone around me thought it would be for me, and for Jimbo.

backblipped to last night (didn't have time, or the inclination to post - came home at 11pm and basically collapsed into my bed)

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