Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

..."What do you think of this one, honey?&quo

I'm not sure ... could you enlarge the doorway a bit?
Yes dear, right away, dear. (Notice he's looking a bit disheveled at this point.)
I'm just not sure ... can we come back and look at it in the morning light?

I relocated the wren/chickadee box and within 5 minutes a pair of chickadees was investigating. One (the male, I assume) immediately started working on the door, and spent the next half hour pecking away, supervised by the little Mrs. (All you guys out there can stop right now with the smart-ass comments!)

Also seen today...
American goldfinch in the middle of a wardrobe change
White throated sparrow with a come-hither look

But the coolest surprise was when I happened to see a male bluebird checking out the bluebird nest box!! I haven't seen a bluebird here in about a month, so wasn't sure my newly installed nest box would get any interest. He checked it out pretty thoroughly, so hopefully he'll come back with his mate for another look.

I did a little work in the office, then power washed the deck in preparation for giving it a coat of stain in the next week. Temps went down to the mid-20's (F) last night - brrr. Sent the dutiful hubs out at around 8 last night to plug in the heater for the bird-bath and found it already iced up.

Thank you all for helping propel yesterday's blue jay into the Spotlight. They were back today, clambering for attention, but I had to give it up for the little chickadees on their quest for a summer cottage...

Happy Tuesday!

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