
The following is (almost) all bicycle related:

This is my friend Nicky at Critical Mass tonight. I have Blipped him before: fixing bikes at the shop and at the Critical Mass almost exactly one year ago. He still rides that Surly with his kids (the third link above), though the little one (Tex, who Larry actually Blipped, pre-ride, tonight) is now big enough to sit straight on the back there (though grabbing some handlebars Nicky has attached to his seatpost). Yes, I have Blipped him before but never before has his beard been this gnarly, at least since I've known him.

Last month at our local, successful bike swap meet, I gave him my enormous wire basket. Being the handy guy that he is, he attached it on to the back of that Big Dummy (making it even more lengthy, somehow). I told him that I have been wanting to switch back to riser bars and a shorter stem (I've been with the drop-downs for a long time now) and he said he'd keep a look out. Well, tonight, at our meeting spot for the ride, he came through with some brand new red riser bars! They are going to look great and will match the new red pedals and heavy duty straps I'm ordering (also taking a break from the SPD shoes and cleats). I enjoy changing things out on my ride every once in a while, feels and looks fresh somehow, almost like I've bought a new bike.

Interesting ride tonight; I'll leave it at that. Overall, though, the sweat and the pumping legs feels great. Especially doing it in the company of great friends. With beer.

Cheer, all. Tomorrow AND Sunday: ALL day in the library. Big weeks coming up for both Leah and I. Need to get a lot done.

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