Move over Bridget........

By SuzStuff

Spitbank fort.....possibly!

Nice breezy walk along the seafront today. Must get some wellies as I always come home with wet trainers and my jeans slapping at my ankles.

Super low tide so the spit was largest I have seen in a while - almost looks like you can walk to the Isle of Wight. I was watching a border collie chasing seagulls.....failing of course to catch any but his enthusiasm never waned. It was at that point I left in a hurry. If you know me, or read my blog about the theatre trip and the 'moron magnet' nickname, you'll know I have a habit of attracting wierdos. About a year ago I was on the beach watching an exciteable border collie chasing seagulls and I commented to his owner how cute he return she told me where she lived, that she had trouble making friends with women as she had issues with her mother - and that she had hurt her knee when she got up to go to the loo in the middle of the night. As the conversation flashed before me, I legged it off the fast as you can on shingle up a slope.....before she noticed me and continued her life story. And before you think she never would have recognised me - she did several months after our first meeting and kept calling after me so I just kept my ipod on and pleaded ignorance ;O)

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