New Cestrian

By BHPPhoto

Looking Over The Horizon

I've started looking for some cool young dude who can finally design me a decent website as opposed to my own handmade efforts. A change of direction or at least another photographic option has come to mind. Plans are afoot, research is being done and the market is being assessed. Of course I've no idea what I am talking about since I've got absolutely no business training and, like many press photographers, limited marketing skills but all these things need to be are being done. Living on my wits, word of mouth, getting in on deadline and 27 years worth of experience is was the name of the game but now, in the digital age, much, much more is needed. A reliable mobile phone signal would be a good start.

Facebook? Please no, but......!

Twitter? Been there, doing that.

Blog? Doing it here, well sort of because I do have a business one. Blip is for fun and it keeps me sane and I occasionally get to rant about bad restaurants.

Quality? Yes, yes, yes! In my opinion quality trumps all but is that what people want any more? It would appear not but there's no way I'm going down the "pile it high sell it cheap" road. One good client who understands the value of good imagery is worth ten penny pinching philistines any day. (Does a ph sounding word count towards an alliteracion?). Hmmmm.

Well, must go. People to see, avenues to go down, entities to market, blips to create rum to drink and cats to feed.

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