where we took a break, a pause, on our way to the Weserbergland. Due to the car inspection in The Hague we drove today all the 420 km. I do not drive, I am easily nervous of all the cars around me. I neither sit very relaxed or look easily at the landscape flying along. I hate a landscape where I cannot be in a smooth way, I like walking or cycling. Then I feel at home in my surroundings.
Leaving behind us all the highways (Autobahnen) we decided to visit Warburg again, it's only two km from the road we take. We had seen sunny, cloudy and raining skies, one after another or all at the same time. Or so I seem to remember.
Warburg lies partly on a hill and partly at the shore of the Diemel and it is very nice to walk down and up again. And continue your journey. Happy now that we have safely arrived.

Looking at the hedgehog, seeing those little eyes, I feel overwhelmed by all the visitors, the stars and hearts the picture received and I know it is because of the expression he radiates. The caretaker told Mischa and me that in a week or so,( he was still very young , we of course had no idea of his age) he could begin to live again in the forest on his own.

My haiku:

Evening, the birds
Who welcomed us with their songs
Sound softer, die down

And the proverb of G. Burgess:

Love is only chatter,
Friends are all that matter.

And if that is not enough listen to Shakespeare:

Most friendship is feigning, most loving mere folly.

I read at the moment the famous book of Louis Couperus: Eline Vere.
Printed in 1889, there is a lot of friendship and love in it.

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